Environmentalism: A Global History
is best read as a short but ambitious text that will introduce readers
to a series of environmental thinkers from across the globe.
In Guha’s own explanation of the book, “this is a historical account
and analysis of the origins and expressions of environmental concern,
of how individuals and institutions have perceived, propagated, and acted
upon their experience of environmental decay” (p. 2).
As such, it is not a history of the environment itself, which he
leaves to scientists, but a history of environmental ideas. In just 145 pages of text, Guha covers many of the most prominent
environmental thinkers over the last two centuries, and adds a few lesser
known as well. The thinkers
are placed in their social contexts, with particular attention to the
unfolding of industrial and colonial (and post-) processes.
Taken as a whole, the book is well written and engaging; I think
it would be successful as a text chosen to instigate discussion of global
and historical varieties of environmentalism.
Guha divides the book into two halves,
one for each of two waves of global environmentalism.
In the first wave, which began in the 1860s and continued through
the interwar period, three varieties of environmental thought competed
to construct a diagnosis of environmental degradation and an alternative
vision to it: the “back to the land” movement, the scientific conservation
movement, and the wilderness movement. The “back to the land” movement found strong adherents in England
and Germany, as industrialization brought a revival of agrarian sentiment.
Pre-industrialized India also contributed a more practical agrarian
thinker in Mahatma Gandhi, who read Carpenter and Ruskin while studying
in England. Scientific conservation,
characterized by a concern with environmental degradation and confidence
in science’s ability to reverse that degradation, also took root in Britain
and Germany before spreading elsewhere. Global transmission of the ideas of scientific conservation
was more direct and custodial, as colonial powers established state-run
departments to manage their colonies’ forests, soil, water, wildlife,
and fisheries. Guha strongly
criticizes these management efforts on both social and environmental grounds,
preferring Japan’s indigenous forest science.
Similarly, colonial rule spread the wilderness idea to Europe’s
colonies, with protection of native wildlife often taking priority over
native peoples. The wilderness thinking of the Americans John Muir and Aldo
Leopold (born in Germany) is presented more sympathetically, with attention
to their differences as well as their shared appreciation for non-human
The first wave of environmentalism
ended with an interlude of “ecological
innocence” after World War II, when both North and South were committed
to economic growth through technology. Dissenters from technological optimism Sauer, Mumford, Schumacher,
Mira Behn (in India) were easily ignored in the industrialized world,
and the newly independent countries sought economic liftoff on the western
path, not a renewed village economy.
With numerous others, Guha dates
the beginning of the second wave of environmentalism to Rachel Carson’s
Silent Spring (1962), which he extols for its impact and quality.
Across the globe, the second wave added an environmentally engaged
public to the previously expert arena of environmental thought.
Guha organizes his discussion of the second wave with three chapters
on what would once have been called the first, second, and third worlds.
Among the affluent, both the threat of impending doom and the desire
to consume nature as another good drove the steady growth of the environmental
movement after 1962 (Guha’s data end with 1991).
Guha differentiates deep ecologists from environmental justice
activists in American radical environmentalism.
A section on the German Greens, “the finest achievement of the
second wave of environmentalism” (p. 97), completes this chapter. Guha cites Gandhian influences in all of these branches of
modern environmentalism, but still sees a strong polarization between
this environmentalism of the affluent and the environmentalism of the
poor of the next chapter. He
rejects the hypothesis of Inglehart and others that environmental concern
belongs to the wealthy, but notes a change in its concerns.
When peasants and indigenous peoples of Malaysia, India, Thailand,
and Brazil mobilize on environmental issues, they link environmentalism
to social justice and livelihood concerns.
Sections comparing Brazil to India and Chico Mendes’ rubber tappers
to the Chipko movement offer some rare extended concrete examples of environmental
thought in action. Finally,
a brief chapter on environmentalism (or the lack thereof) in the Soviet
Union and in China serves mostly to underline that the strongest debate
of the second wave is that between North and South.
A concluding chapter argues that
a shared global common future would have to be based on a genuinely equitable
and participatory global democracy.
In the absence of that democracy, concrete environmental debates
will be conflict-ridden. Yet
Guha’s final word is that two ideas unite all the kinds of environmentalists
he has discussed: restraint, in the sense of limits on behavior toward
both the environment and other humans, and farsightedness, looking toward
“a common future and the multiple paths to get to it” (p. 145).
As should be clear from this summary,
this global environmental history synthesizes a very broad array of environmental
ideas, across both time and space. As Guha himself says, this requires him to be “savagely selective”
(p. 7). Fitting the introductory
nature of this book, the selection criteria favor the better-known thinkers
and movements, but there are plenty of lesser-known stories to send the
more experienced reader to the bibliographic essay at the end.
(This is especially useful since there are few citations in the
text, and no conventional bibliography.)
The first part of the book, on the
first wave of environmentalism, best achieves Guha’s two aims:
to present a “trans-national perspective on the environmental debate”
and “to document the flow of ideas across cultures” (p. 8).
In this section, we see clear linkages across cultures as travel,
reading, and colonial institutions moved ideas around the world both freely
and by force. These chapters show at once the global relevance of certain
environmental ideas, such as wilderness, and their very different local
meanings depending on where, how, and by whom they are put into practice.
In the second section, on the second
wave, there is much less attention to the transnational flow of environmental
ideas, despite the fact that global news reports, the internet, and international
travel and meetings have shrunk the effective distance between peoples.
This is especially noteworthy in the chapter on the southern challenge,
where several of the examples Guha uses are commonly cited as classic
instances of international advocacy networks (see Keck and Sikkink 1998).
Guha stresses their domestic origins, which are certainly also
a part of the story, but his references to the “prolific misrepresentations...by
the international media” (p. 119) do not do justice to the transnational
flow of ideas, perspectives, and activists at work.
Similarly, he misses the ways that at least parts of the environmental
justice movements of the north were inspired by their southern counterparts.
I would have liked to see a fuller analysis of transnational environmentalism
as we turn into the 21st century.
Is it, as some have argued, a new variant of the 19th
century’s colonial relations? Could
it be, in contrast, a manifestation of the more equitable and participatory
global democracy Guha seeks?
Throughout the book, Guha’s characteristic
post-colonial critiques give the book a consistent perspective, which
will challenge the northern students who are likely to be among the book’s
readers. Because of its focus
on environmental thinkers across the globe, it is not the best presentation
of the complexities of Guha’s own perspective, however. For that, I prefer some of his other works, such as Ecology
and Equity (with Madhav Gadgil, 1995) and Varieties of Environmentalism:
Essays North and South (with Juan Martinez Alier, 1997).
References Cited:
Gadgil, Madhav, and Ramachandra
Guha. 1995. Ecology and Equity: The Use of Abuse of Nature in Contemporary
India. New Delhi: Penguin
Books India.
Guha, Ramachandra, and Juan Martinez-Alier.
1997. Varieties of Environmentalism:
Essays North and South.
London: Earthscan.
Keck, Margaret E., and Kathryn Sikkink.
1998. Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International
Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
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